I photographed a few fountains in Portland’s public parks. The kids above are at the Salmon Street Springs Fountain. A couple walked up to me at the Salmon St. fountain and asked me to take their photo. “It looks like you know what you’re doing,” he said. I did know what button to push on his iPhone.

Teacher Fountain in Director Park. The half-moon shape fills with shallow water and jets spray: the little guy above seems to like it. And this kid: is he about to get drenched, or does he just walk like a rooster?

The depth of field is compressed. He’s still not getting wet, he just walks like a rooster.

Jameson Square in the Pearl District. The pool fills with water cascading down the steps, and then drains like a tide going out.

When the water returns so do the kids!

There are many more public fountains in Portland.